Renown Kickstarter Launched!

Hello everyone! It’s been a bit for me, I’ve been out west helping a friend with his own project and making some money to support Renown and Stonehome. Sadly the internet, and to a lesser degree technology, are hard to come by on a ranch in California which made things difficult at times.

A huge thanks go to my friend and business partner Drew for his patience and hard work while I’ve been gone.

The Kickstarter has finally arrived and I couldn’t be more excited. It’s been about four years of development and changes and I’m extremely happy with how far it’s come. Even more so now that I can share it with everyone.

The next couple of weeks will see me traveling and introducing Renown to as many people as I can. Which will be new for me, I’ve never been good with approaching people with my ideas and games but everything up to this moment has been a learning experience and we’ve grown through every step of the process. My hope is that it continues moving forward because every step so far has been building to this point and Drew and I have so much we’d like to do.

Thanks to everyone for your interest and support. It’s going to be an amazing month between the Kickstarter, Halloween and showing Renown to as many people as possible it’s going to be a exciting, nerve-wracking and full of new challenges. I can’t wait!

Happy gaming everyone,

  • Mitch “Moosey” Hamrick

This week’s blog will be short but sweet. Our Renown Kickstarter is live in case you didn’t know.

What does that mean you may ask? It means that Mitch and I are spending a lot of time pointing people in that direction and building awareness.

This is a strange portion of this journey, as it takes us out of our comfort zone of design and play into the realm of marketing and showmanship. It is a weird world to step into, but we are figuring it out as we go.

What can you do to help you ask? Well thanks! Spread the word to as many people as you can. Let them know that every little bit helps. We appreciate all of the love and support more than you know.

Back to Kickstartin’

  • Drew